Galionites Commemorate Memorial Day With Parade, Ceremony

As it has taken place for the last several years, a police cruiser again left the intersection of South Market Street and Public Square at precisely 10:00 AM, followed by a Memorial Day Parade that featured music, candy, floats, dignitaries, members of the League of Riders, and more.

As the lead units passed by the Veterans Memorial immediately to the east of the Municipal Building on Harding Way East, the parade paused for a traditional salute.

The weather for the event was warm and clear. Music for this year’s parade was furnished by the Galion Tiger Marching Band and the Galion Alumni Band playing patriotic tunes and marches.

At Fairview Cemetery, the good size crowd listened to the Memorial Address given by Kari Pfefier, VFW State 1st Vice Commander. Wreaths were laid and salutes made as they have been for decades.

Below are several photos from the day. Click any photo for a larger image.