Get ready for a night of laughs as the Mansfield Playhouse presents Caught in the Net, the uproarious sequel to Run for Your Wife by Ray Cooney. This comedy of errors follows the chaotic life of John Smith, a bigamist taxi driver in London who has been leading two separate lives with two families, each unaware of the other’s existence. The fun begins when John’s teenage children from his two families unknowingly meet online and, discovering their shared surname and taxi-driving father, decide to meet in person.
As John struggles to keep his double life from unraveling, his desperate attempts to maintain the charade spiral hilariously out of control. His lodger, Stanley, offers a glimmer of hope, but with his own issues at play, including a confused and decrepit father who believes he’s already on vacation, things quickly go from bad to worse.
Show Dates:
- September 6 & 7 at 8:00 PM
- September 13 & 14 at 8:00 PM
- September 15 at 2:30 PM
Location: Mansfield Playhouse
The Mansfield Playhouse, one of Ohio’s oldest and largest producing community theaters, has been delighting audiences with its engaging shows and talented casts for years. Visitors often rave about the quality of the performances and the cozy, welcoming atmosphere of the theater, making it a favorite cultural spot in Mansfield.
Don’t miss this side-splitting production that promises an evening of laughter and entertainment. Whether you’re a fan of the original Run for Your Wife or new to the story, Caught in the Net is sure to leave you in stitches.
Photo: Created by DALL-E 3