ODOT Update On Portland Way North/State Route 598 Project

The Ohio Department of Transportation’s District Three office in Ashland has issued the latest weekly update on construction projects statewide, including the Portland Way North/State Route 598 lane expansion project in Galion.

For the week beginning September 11, the following work is scheduled on that project this coming week. Note that any planned work is dependent on weather conditions.

Week Beginning On September 11: State Route 598 in the city of Galion, from Carter Drive to Brandt Road, will have lane closures for temporary pavement and drainage work.


  • Crews continue permanent widening of the west side of the roadway. Traffic will be shifted to the east side of the roadway and two lanes of traffic will be maintained.
  • Traffic on Brandt Road, at the intersection of SR 598, will be maintained on the south side of the roadway.
  • Traffic will be maintained in 11’ lanes.

The estimated completion of the entire project is this November.

Image by suwichan pralomram from Pixabay