What’s Happening With The Inquirer? Time Will Tell

Change is in the air this week in the Ohio media industry.

On Tuesday morning, the venerable Delaware Gazette – a publication which dates back an amazing 204 years – announced that it will be reducing the number of print papers each week to two. Effective February 28, the Gazette will publish only on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

The change, according to the story entitled “Gazette changing with the times,” is in response to increasing costs of print publication. That post can be read here.

The new emphasis at the Delaware publication will be on its website, the post added, which sported a new look over the weekend.

A quick review of AIM Media Midwest websites on Tuesday morning revealed that this change is chain-wide. Similar changes are taking place on the same timeline with AIM-published papers in Troy, Wilmington, Hillsboro, Washington Court House, Bowling Green, and Greenville. Others are likely to follow. In northwest Ohio, three outlets — the The Northwest Signal, Fulton County Expositor, and Swanton Enterprise — are actually combining into one publication according to an AIM Media story.

AIM Media, it should be noted, also owns and publishes both the Galion Inquirer and Morrow County Sentinel. The fate of those publications is uncertain as of the moment; the websites of both, still in their previous format, have not been updated for over two weeks.

1831Galion will share the latest developments in this story as they are known.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay