Avita Launches Nurse Coffee Talk For Those Interested In The Field

What’s the ideal way to recruit new nurses in the area?

Avita Health System believes that meeting prospective nursing candidates informally, or those just interested in the field, may be that way. It’s a great way to introduce nursing as a career that promotes engagement and collaboration.

To the end, Avita is hosting Nurse Coffee Talks at several area locations. Stop in and join Avita representatives for a cup of coffee while nursing leaders talk about opportunities.

The following locations, dates, and times have been set for these Nurse Coffee Talks:

Coffee ShopAddressDateTime
Three Bean Coffee House125 Harding Way E Galion, OH 448339/14/20229-11am
Sidekicks Coffee, LLC1379 Marion-Waldo Rd (in mall) Marion, OH 433029/22/202210am-12pm
Pelican Coffee House108 S Sandusky Ave Bucyrus, OH 448209/24/20229-11am
Barrington Café13 Park Ave W, Suite 101 Mansfield, OH 449029/26/20221-3pm
The Cove Coffee Shop & Pizza Co.325 Shelby-Ontario Rd. Ontario, OH 449069/28/20229-11am
Downtown Perk145 W. Main St. Ashland, OH 4480510/5/202212-2pm
Sames & Cook33 S. Main St .Mt. Gilead, OH 4333810/12/202212-2pm
The Valley Nutrition22021 Coshocton Ave, Suite D Howard, OH 4302810/19/20229-11am

Image by elbaartoo from Pixabay

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