Mobile Food Pantry Next Tuesday At GMS

Special to 1831Galion

The Galion City Schools, in partnership with the Second Harvest Food Bank of North Central Ohio, will host the Crawford County Mobile Drive-Thru Pantry event on the district’s campus on Tuesday, September 27.

As part of its efforts to continue to have a strong agency network, Second Harvest conducted a gap assessment in Lorain County to determine areas lacking food pantries and hot meal programs. With the closure of a number of food pantries in the city of Lorain, Second Harvest started an effort to find new sites in the extreme high poverty areas of those cities lacking food pantries. We have been able to identify several possible new partner charities in the targeted areas who are considering partnering with us to run mobile pantries.

Second Harvest will be distributing free assorted boxes of shelf-stable food, fresh produce, frozen meat, milk, and more from 4 to 5:30 PM at Galion Middle School. Those wishing to participate are asked to pre-register prior to the event here –

All distributions are a drive-thru no-touch model to keep your families and our communities safe. For everyone’s continued safety please follow the below guidelines: 

Masks are optional during registration and while your vehicle is being loaded

·       Please remain in your vehicle

·       Food will only be placed in the trunk of your vehicle

·       Food cannot be placed in the front or back seat area

·       Please ensure trunk space is clean and clear of other items

·       Two households per vehicle 

Families with questions can call 440-960-2265. The Galion City Schools and Second Harvest Food Bank of North Central Ohio are equal opportunity providers.

Partial funding for this program was provided by the City of Galion.

Image by Paolo Chieselli from Pixabay