October Events At Lowe-Volk Park

October is full of fun and learning opportunities at Lowe-Volk Park, the closest venue of the Crawford Park District to Galion. The following events are taking place during the remainder of the month of October.

Homeschool in Nature: Invertebrates
Thursday, October 6   10am & 2pm   Lowe-Volk Park, 2401 State Route 598
While there are more than one million species of invertebrates worldwide, thousands of them can be found in Ohio. This month the Crawford Park District Homeschoolers will explore the park looking for, learning about, and holding some of these animals.  Dress for the weather! Please call the Crawford Park District at 419-683-9000 to reserve a spot for your 5-12-year-old.  Lowe-Volk Park is located 3 miles north of US Route 30.

Annual Big Sit
Saturday, October 8   7am   Lowe-Volk Park, 2401 State Route 598
Join Crawford Park District Land Manager and Naturalist Kyle Bailey for the second annual Crawford Park District Big Sit.  A “Big Sit” is a 24-hour non-competitive international birding event that aims at identifying as many birds as possible from within a 17-foot diameter circle. This event will be held at Lowe-Volk Nature Center beginning at dawn and running until dusk. Come enjoy donuts and cider and help us find some birds!  Lowe-Volk Park is located 3 miles north of US Route 30.

Halloween Family Fun Night
Saturday, October 15   6-9pm   Lowe Volk Park, 2401 State Route 598
The Crawford Park District invites families to come to Lowe-Volk Park and celebrate with a night filled with fall fun! Dress in your Halloween costume or just come to enjoy the activities. There will be a bonfire, face painting, nature art, wagon rides, and a treat bag for kids. Bring a flashlight and go on a guided night hike through the haunted woods or go on a self-guided clue hike around the grass mounds. Fun for the whole family!  Lowe-Volk Park is located 3 miles north of US Route 30.

Little Explorers: Pumpkins
Monday, October 17   5pm   Lowe-Volk Park, 2401 State Route 598
Little Explorers is an interactive program offered by the Crawford Park District for young children, ages 0-5. Activities focus on stimulating infants’ senses and engaging toddlers’ fine motor skills. This month we’ll explore pumpkins of various colors, shapes, and textures—both inside and out! Please dress for the weather. Lowe-Volk Park is located 3 miles north of US Route 30.

Owl Prowl
Saturday, October 22   7pm    Lowe-Volk Park, 2401 State Route 598
Did you know that Ohio is home to eight species of owls, with only four species being full-time residents? The Crawford Park District invites you to come out to learn about these amazing avian predators of the night. We will meet in the Lowe-Volk Park Nature Center to discuss the natural history of owls before heading out onto the property to listen and look for owls. Lowe-Volk Park is located 3 miles north of US Route 30.

Viewing the Night Sky
Saturday, October 22   7pm   Lowe-Volk Park, 2401 State Route 598
Join members of the Crawford Park Astronomy Club as they share their knowledge and telescope skills with all who are interested in the celestial sights. Some of the targets for fall are: 
Saturn – is back in the night sky and is an amazing object to observe due to its distinct
        ring. Titan is the largest of its 82 moons and might be visible.
Jupiter – will be rising later, with opportunities to see four moons around this
 giant gas planet.
Milky Way – lots of objects in the central region of our galaxy.
M4 – globular cluster 5,500 light years away, found in Scorpius, and containing more than
100,000 stars.
Lagoon Nebula (M8) – is found in Sagittarius and is a giant cloud of gas and dust creating young stars.
Eagle Nebula (M16) – young open cluster 7000 light years away found in the constellation Serpens.
Omega Nebula (M17) – also known as Swan Nebula, Checkmark Nebula, Lobster Nebula,
       and the Horseshoe Nebula, is 6000 light years away, and is 15 light years in diameter.
M22 – near the galactic bulge, this elliptical globular cluster can be found 10,000 light
        years away and has some of the oldest known
        stars in the sky.
There are a lot of other objects to view. What we see will depend on what the clouds are doing.
Lowe-Volk Park is located 3 miles north of US Route 30.

Feeding Day
Monday, October 24   5pm   Lowe-Volk Park, 2401 State Route 598
The animals that reside in the Crawford Park District’s Lowe Volk Park Nature Center get a variety of food. Some prefer worms or mice while others gobble up leafy greens and vegetables. Stop by to help our naturalist feed some of our animal ambassadors. Lowe-Volk Park is located 3 miles north of US Route 30.

Book Club
Wednesday, October 26   6pm   Lowe-Volk Park, 2401 State Route 598
Calling all book lovers! The Crawford Park District Book Club is looking for new members to join. Each month we will read and discuss a book that relates to the flora and fauna of nature. Fiction, non-fiction, comedies, tragedies, mysteries, classics, all types are welcomed and enjoyed. Come on out with a book of your choice, join in the discussion, and enjoy book of the month-themed snacks like trail mix, huckleberries, and even bear claws! Lowe-Volk Park is located 3 miles north of US Route 30. 

Viewing the Night Sky
Saturday, October 29   7pm   Lowe-Volk Park, 2401 State Route 598
Join members of the Crawford Park Astronomy Club as they share their knowledge and telescope skills with all who are interested in the celestial sights. Some of the targets for fall are: 
Saturn – is back in the night sky and is an amazing object to observe due to its distinct
        ring. Titan is the largest of its 82 moons and might be visible.
Jupiter – will be rising later, with opportunities to see four moons around this
 giant gas planet.
Milky Way – lots of objects in the central region of our galaxy.
M4 – globular cluster 5,500 light years away, found in Scorpius, and containing more than
100,000 stars.
Lagoon Nebula (M8) – is found in Sagittarius and is a giant cloud of gas and dust creating young stars.
Eagle Nebula (M16) – young open cluster 7000 light years away found in the constellation Serpens.
Omega Nebula (M17) – also known as Swan Nebula, Checkmark Nebula, Lobster Nebula,
       and the Horseshoe Nebula, is 6000 light years away, and is 15 light years in diameter.
M22 – near the galactic bulge, this elliptical globular cluster can be found 10,000 light
        years away and has some of the oldest known
        stars in the sky.
There are a lot of other objects to view. What we see will depend on what the clouds are doing.
Lowe-Volk Park is located 3 miles north of US Route 30.

Image by Susanne Jutzeler, Schweiz, from Pixabay