Upcoming Events At Lowe-Volk Park

Winter continues to be busy at the Crawford Park District’s Lowe-Volk Park. The following are activities taking place there during the first two weeks of February.

For more details on any event listed, contact the District at: 419- 683-9000.

Lowe-Volk Park is located just four miles north of Galion on Portland Way North/State Route 598.

Heart Hike

Wednesday, February 1 – Tuesday, February 28

Take a stroll through Lowe-Volk Park looking for hearts as you go. Each one will have an interesting fact for you to read. Once you finish your hike, stop at the front desk of the Nature Center to collect your prize! (The hearts will be out all the time; you can only collect your prize when the Nature Center is open.)

Homeschool in Nature: Snow Tarp

Thursday, February 2   10am & 2pm

This month we will be investigators to discover what happened on our snow tarp. Call the Park District at 419-683-9000 to register your 5–12-year-old.

Rock Tumbling

Saturday, February 4 & 18   10am-12pm

You will learn about rock tumbling equipment and the process of tumbling rocks. We will start a rock tumbler with rough stone and go through all 4 polishing stages to create beautiful, polished rocks. Volunteer Bryan Summer will lead this rockin’ program! The first session will start the rough tumbling process; session 2 will finish with the polish tumble. A one-hour multimedia lesson will be part of this hands-on activity. Please plan on attending both sessions. Call the Park District at 419- 683-9000 to register. Walk-ins are still welcome.

Little Explorers: Snow

Monday, February 6   5pm

Little Explorers is an interactive program for young children, ages 0-5. Activities focus on stimulating infants’ senses and developing toddlers’ and preschoolers’ fine motor skills. This month we’ll explore snow, so dress for the weather! If there is no snow in the forecast, check Facebook to see if this event has been rescheduled for a snowier date!

Junior Naturalist Club meetings

Saturday, February 11 2pm

The Best Nest

Sunday, February 12   1pm

Did you know the Guinness World Record for the largest bird nest belongs to the Bald Eagle? The nest, in Florida, weighs over 2 tons and is 20 feet deep! Join Naturalist Kaily to learn more about these birds and build a life-like (average sized) replica of North America’s largest bird nest!

Book Club

Wednesday, February 15   6pm

Source: Crawford Park District; Photo: Creative Commons License