What A Natural Way To Begin May!

Lowe-Volk and Nature Center, a short drive from Galion on State Route 598 (Portland Way North), has a number of family-friendly activities set up to take place during the first two weeks of May.

For more information on any of these, contact the Crawford Park District at: 419.683.9000.

Face to Face: Turtles

Saturday, May 6   10am

Join Naturalist Chelsea to learn about and meet the turtles of the Nature Center face to face! There will be opportunities to hold and/or touch a Midland Painted Turtle, a Common Snapping Turtle, a Yellow-bellied Slider, and a Woodland Box Turtle.

Girl Scouts: Pollinator Power

Saturday, May 6   1pm

Are you a Girl Scout? If so, join Troop 4253 and Naturalist Chelsea to learn all about our powerful pollinators and the work they do to help plants reproduce. We will also go on a hike to observe pollinators in action, with a focus on searching for queen bumble bees and specialist bees. Girl Scouts from all troops are welcome!

Little Explorers: Flowers

Tuesday, May 9   5pm

Little Explorers is an interactive program for young children, ages 0-5. Activities focus on stimulating infants’ senses and developing toddlers’ and preschoolers’ fine motor skills. This month we’ll explore all the parts of flowers! Dress for the weather!

Bird Banding

Saturday, May 13   7am-1pm

In conjunction with the Pancake Breakfast, we’ll be banding birds on the front porch of the Nature Center. Join Bob Placier and CPD staff for a morning of science! We’ll be monitoring mist nets to see which birds inhabit or pass through Lowe-Volk Park. Banding is used to track trends in bird populations, among other research applications. All ages welcome and grab some pancakes in support of your Park District!

Pancakes in the Park

Saturday, May 13   8am-1pm

Come and support your Parks while satisfying your appetite. For a donation, you can get pancakes topped with REAL maple syrup, a side of delicious ham, and a great morning enjoying and supporting your Park District.

The actual address for Lowe-Volk Park is: 2401 State Route 598, Crestline.

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