Galion Primary Participates In Great Valentine Exchange

Galion Primary School participated in the Great Valentine Exchange. This unique program encourages students of all ages to exchange kind words, cards, and presents on Valentine’s Day while fostering a spirit of togetherness within their school district. 

Jamie Maguire and Lynne Foust’s second grade classes each made valentines, which were then sent to schools across the country and Canada. In letters accompanying each valentine, the classes wrote about their school, town and state. From the lucky 23 schools that received valentines and letters from these Galion students, each sent a valentine and letter in return. The students were overjoyed to read about their similarities and differences.

“The Great Valentine Exchange emphasizes the importance of embracing our differences, inspiring kindness and connecting with one another,” said Foust, second grade teacher. “It’s an unforgettable experience and a great way to foster unity in today’s world.” 

In total, 1085 schools from across the United States plus Canada participated in this unique program. Through this exchange, we hope to promote positive social interactions and build a foundation of mutual respect and kindness among our students.

Source, Photo: Galion City Schools