Terms Of Use

Welcome to a new kind of local media. 1831Galion is something very different, and is presented for your enjoyment by Total|Local Media (for the remainder of these Terms of Use, 1831Galion will be referred to as “we” or “us”). These terms constitute a binding legal contract, and your continued use of this site signifies your acceptance of its terms.

USE OF THE SITE. We reserve the unfettered right to deny access to this site to anyone who violates the contract referred to above, and/or anyone who acts in a way which disrupts others from using 1831Galion. All use is also subject to the Privacy Policy, which may be accessed at this link. That policy controls our use of any information you share or disclose on this site.


Here’s the way this works for our material. While we make 1831Galion available to everyone, we do not give up any rights to the materials appearing on this website which reside on servers under our control or lease. All materials are our property, or that of our licensors or affiliates, and therefore are protected by all applicable copyright, intellectual property, and trademark laws.

This means that you can display and print for non-commercial use any non-commercial material on 1831Galion. You may not, however, reproduce materials without prior written consent of any owner, distribute copies of the same, or frame any of our content on your site. We will consider any requests to use our material; send those requests to: [email protected]. Our logo and artwork is ours, period. You may not reproduce or use the same without our express permission.

Here’s the way this works for your material. When you share information on this site, you are stating to us that you are the owner of the same, or have express consent of the owner to share. Once posted, you agree that we have the right to reproduce, distribute, or change that material for any purpose. You also give us the right to associate your material with you are the owner. At all times, we have the right to delete or edit postings that we deem inappropriate for legal or other reasons, in our sole discretion.

If you are the owner of intellectual property who believes that your rights have been violated by a posting on this site, please notify us at: [email protected].


The purpose of this website is the sharing of information. You may not use this content for commercial use. Also, please be aware that information shared on this site, written by others and linked to by us, may be incorrect; you are therefore advised to verify all information before making decisions. At all times, you alone are responsible for damages which may occur from information posted or included on 1831Galion.

We will work to create a virus-free website, but you must recognize that materials posted on other sites, and accessible via 1831Galion, may have viruses or other malware. You assume all responsibility for any damage those might cause.


1831Galion was founded by a lawyer, so you have to expect these! All information and materials on this website are provided “as is,” and we in no way warrant accuracy, completeness, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose of the same, nor, as referred to above, that they will be virus or malware-free. At no times will we be liable for damages arising from use of this website, including without limitation liability for standard, special, incidental, consequential, or other damages, even if notified of that possibility beforehand. You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any claims arising from your use of this website in all respects.


We reserve the right to change these Terms of Use at any time and without notice.


Any dispute arising from the use of this website will be governed by the laws of the State of Ohio.