Recent Galion Property Sales

Below are sales in the city of Galion taking place from December 1 to the present as compiled by the Crawford County Auditor’s Office.

Street Number Street Name Street Type Street Dir Sale Date Sale Price Living Area
400 EAST ST N 2024-12-06 83000.00 0
412 EAST ST N 2024-12-06 83000.00 0
360 EAST ST N 2024-12-06 83000.00 0
344 THIRD AV 2024-12-16 147900.00 1474
325 SECOND AV 2024-12-23 62000.00 768
1410 MCCLURE ST 2024-12-23 89000.00 1008
RENSCH AV 2024-12-23 67500.00 0
136 RENSCH AV 2024-12-23 67500.00 752
531 GRAND ST 2024-12-12 35185.00 1782
200 SUMMIT ST W 2024-12-16 216000.00 1860
409 HARDING WAY E 2024-12-10 57500.00 0
435 CHURCH ST W 2024-12-10 391500.00 4359
333 SHERMAN ST 2024-12-05 175000.00 1960
420 MARKET ST S 2024-12-19 20000.00 0
984 SNOWMASS DR 2024-12-19 270000.00 2361

Image by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi from Pixabay