Galion City Schools’ new Superintendent, Dr. Jeffrey Hartmann, introduced himself to the Galion City School District Monday via a video posted on the District’s YouTube channel.

With a warm and enthusiastic introduction, Dr. Hartman set the tone for a year filled with ambition, collaboration, and a steadfast commitment to every student. Dr. Hartman shared that his philosophy is rooted in over 20 years of experience as an educator and the belief that building positive relationships is at the core of creating a thriving and nurturing learning environment. As a first-generation college graduate, he shared a firsthand understanding of the transformative power of education.

In the coming weeks, Dr. Hartman plans to initiate a series of “listen, learn, and lead” sessions with students, staff, and parents at each school, he shared. These discussions aim to gather insights and perspectives, furthering the district’s understanding and laying the groundwork for informed leadership. Recognizing and appreciating the work already accomplished is vital in guiding the next steps in the journey forward together.

Hartmann stated that the safety of students and staff remains a top priority for Galleon City Schools. A new section on the school’s website will house safety information and provide easy ways to report concerns via email, call, or text. The “see something, say something” principle is emphasized, ensuring that the “Tigers” are kept safe.

Lastly, he expressed a belief in the power of collective effort and the power of collaboration with a dedicated team.

Dr. Hartmann’s introductory video can be viewed here.