As the academic year draws to a close, Northmor Schools are bustling with an array of activities and events that cater to all ages. Here’s a detailed look at the exciting schedule lined up for students, parents, and staff in the closing weeks of the school year.

Prom and Senior Celebrations

The festive period begins with the Junior and Senior Prom, a much-anticipated event scheduled for May 11 at the Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center. The glamour of the night will set the tone for the following weeks filled with numerous senior activities. Tickets for the prom are available until May 9.

Following the prom, the school will host its Senior Week from May 13 to May 17. Highlights include the Senior Banquet on May 13, a Senior Class Meeting on May 16, and a relaxing Senior Picnic on May 17. These events offer seniors a chance to celebrate their impending graduation in style.

Academic Highlights

Northmor is not just about dances and picnics; it also celebrates academic achievements. The week of May 13 sees a bustling schedule with the 6th Grade Academic Challenge Competition on May 14, followed by the Junior High competition on May 15. The High School Academic Awards Ceremony on May 16 will recognize the exceptional achievements of Northmor’s students.

Community and Elementary Focus

The school is also engaged in strengthening community and elementary school activities. On May 15, there’s a Parent-Teacher Organization meeting at 7:00 PM, a great opportunity for parents to connect and discuss school matters. The Elementary Right to Read Week kicks off on May 20, fostering a love for reading among the younger students. This is paired with Elementary Club Day and a Band Concert at 6:00 PM, creating a full day of engagement and fun.

Year-End Ceremonies and Events

As May transitions to June, the school prepares for its end-of-year ceremonies. The Elementary Awards Assemblies on May 23 are a precursor to the solemnity of Memorial Day, observed with a school closure on May 27. The Choir Concert on May 28 and the Preschool Graduation on May 30 add musical charm and sweet farewells to the younger students respectively.

The last day of school on May 31 promises fun with Elementary Inflatables Day and has an early dismissal. This day also marks the deadline for online kindergarten registration. Graduation practices and the actual ceremony on June 2 cap off the academic celebrations.

Administrative Wrap-Up

June continues with essential administrative activities. Report cards are posted in ParentAccess on June 7, allowing parents and students to review the year’s accomplishments. Two important Board of Education Meetings on May 21 and June 26 respectively, bookend the school year, offering a chance for administrative reflections and planning.

Lastly, open enrollment for the district ends on June 28 at 4:00 PM, finalizing the administrative tasks for the school year.

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay