Galion Intermediate School has been a beacon of community service for a decade now, thanks to its annual SOCKTOBER initiative. Marking its 10th anniversary, the school has once again invited students to participate in this charitable endeavor. Over the past nine years, the school has collected an impressive 15,000 new pairs of socks. This year, they aimed to break all previous records—and they succeeded.

The Numbers Speak: A Record-Breaking Year

The final tally for SOCKTOBER 2023 is in, and it’s a record-breaker. The school collected a total of 6,076 pairs of socks, surpassing their highest collection to date in 2021, which was over 5,400 pairs. The contributions were led by the 3rd-grade class of Miss Speck, who brought in a whopping 912 pairs of socks. They were followed by Mrs. Valentine’s 5th-grade class with 345 pairs and Mrs. Guy’s 5th-grade class with 162 pairs.

More Than Just Socks

The socks collected don’t just pile up in a storeroom. Each year, the donations are sent to the Marion Homeless Shelter, making a tangible impact on the lives of those in need. As winter approaches, these socks will bring warmth to countless individuals, further emphasizing the importance of community-driven initiatives like SOCKTOBER.

The Spirit of SOCKTOBER: A Community United

October is a month known for its falling leaves, pumpkin spice lattes, and Halloween festivities. But for the students and staff at Galion Intermediate School, October is also a month of giving and community service. The success of SOCKTOBER over the years is a testament to the collective spirit of the school and the broader community. It’s not just about the socks; it’s about coming together to make a difference. As the winter months approach, the school and its community can take pride in knowing they’ve made a real difference.

Image by s-wloczyk2 from Pixabay