Mutts Gone Nuts,” a talented troupe of rescued dogs and their trainers, will perform at the Renaissance Theatre on Sunday, February 12 for two shows at 1:00 PM and 6:30 PM.

The family-friendly show will feature a range of tricks and humor, lauded by the Washington Post as “A Must See.” The production is in collaboration with the Humane Society of Richland County and a portion of all proceeds will go to benefit the Humane Society.

Along with the ten canine stars, the show is led by trainers Scott and Joan Houghton, Samantha Valle, and Jonathan Burns. Scott and Joan Houghton have been performing together as a duo since 1984. They have played a variety of stages and festivals throughout the US, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan as Jessie & James, a slapstick, unicycling act. They spent three years as the featured comedy act with country music’s Lee Greenwood both in Las Vegas and Tennessee, and seven years with Dolly Parton’s production, Dixie Stampede. 

In 1996, the Houghtons adopted their first dog from a shelter in Knoxville, TN, and later began fostering dogs in their off-season for a local rescue group. They practiced reward-based training methods through the influence of positive trainers Pat Miller, Jean Donaldson, and Karen Pryor. 

Mutts Gone Nuts performs at the Renaissance Theatre in Mansfield, Ohio on Sunday, February 12 at 1:00 and 6:30 PM. Tickets are on sale starting at $15. For more information, visit

Source, Photo: Renaissance Performing Arts Association